Is load of assignment harmful to kids health

Now days the studies have become very tough. There are many activities that children have to do in the school. To compete with the fast changing world, there are many things that students do in school and colleges. According to the writers of assignment writing service, children are learning new things and technology but there is also a lot of burden on them. This is not good for their mental and physical health. 


Students get assignments and projects on almost daily basis along with daily homework. There is stress of competition on them. They also feel stressed about the completion of assignments and projects. They do not have time for any other activity except doing the assignment. This results in stress, which is not good for their health. It can have very bad effects not only on their mental but physical health also.

Heath side effects

When kids get assignments on daily basis and they cannot do anything after school except doing the assignment because they do not have time to participate in any other activity. Outdoor activities are very important for children’s health but children are bound inside only because they have to do lot of work. All this routine has very bad effects on health.

Performance in the class

Load of work can also affect student’s performance in the class. They feel dizzy and lazy in the class and cannot concentrate on studies. Everyone needs a complete 6 to 8 hours sleep and also children need the same but when they will have to do home work and assignments, they will sleep lat and get up early. This affects their sleep routine and also eating habits. Because deficiency of sleep can affect their appetite.

With all this work load children do not get time for their other activities after school. They are bound at home and cannot go anywhere. Now days the outdoor activities are already very limited because of mobile phones and internet, but the burden of assignments have made the situation worse. Teachers and parents have to think about the health of children. If they don’t feel healthy mentally and physically, how they will be able to cope and compete with others. Rest and healthy activities are very important for children’s growth and success.

It is important that parents and teacher should take care of children’s health and should not burden them with assignments and study load. If they can this continuous load they can lose their interest and motivation in studies and can refuse to go to school as they develop certain fear regarding work load in school. When parents see such situation in their children’s school, they should talk to the administration of the school and should come up with solution.

There should be special training given to the teachers as well. They should be told about children’s psychology and teacher should learn new ways and techniques in which they can develop their students interest in studies and make them understand the things without giving the burden of assignments.

                                             About the author:

Jacob Oram is a research writer affiliated with a assignment writing service provider company. He helps and guides students in writing, editing their academic writing tasks. He also writes on social issues, problems of youth and other topics of his interests in his free time.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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