5 Top Tools to Keep Academic Integrity Intact

Academic Integrity
It would not be wrong to say that academic integrity is all about commitment; a commitment that holds up even in the face of adversity to the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It is all about the courage to act on them even when everything is going in the opposite direction. To maintain a high standard of academic integrity, students need to conduct themselves with honesty, fairness, truthfulness as well as ethically and responsibly and learn what constitutes right and follow it.

The need for academic integrity with help of assignment writing services was never felt as much as now students have come up with lots of ways to cheat and do things that are not morally right. With the growing use of technology in education, new and better cheating options are available very easily, but that does not make it acceptable or ethical. It has become an overwhelming issue that every academic institute is facing. From school to college and university is facing, and authorities seek ways and means to make students understand what can go wrong and what they need to do to ensure they do things the right way.

It is only when students are educated and trained about the significance of hard work, diligence, better ways, and means to stop violations, and trained regarding honest practices that they can make the right use of technology and look forward to success. This article discusses the top tools that can help students and teachers to keep academic integrity intact. With the help of these edtech tools, promoting academic integrity can become easy, and they can be fitted easily to students’ daily routines and help to improve the quality of their efforts.

Students are forced to cheat when they do not know how to work on their assignments and fear failure. They do not know how to conduct research, write and present the paper to the teacher, and they end up stealing other writers' work and present it as their own that lands them in further trouble. RefWorks is the tool to help them deal with this problem very efficiently; it was developed for daily usage and helps students and teachers manage their research, writing, and collaborative efforts. This tool can be used for all types of academic work. It can help anyone who wants to organize their work and achieve better results without running from one place to another.

It is a plagiarism detection software that can help to spot texts from various resources and even point out from which websites or resources they have been taken. The students, as well as the teachers, can use this tool at various stages of their academic life. Students can check their assignments very thoroughly before submitting their paper to the teacher to detect accidental text similarities, while the teachers can run the students' documents to detect plagiarism to grade them right. The good thing about this tool is that users can keep an eye on the plagiarism percentage when they are making changes to the text and keep on working to achieve the desired results.

Respondus LockDown Browser:
This is a great tool with the help of which students can take online tests without cheating or checking their answers. They will not be able to access any online tools or materials or copy or print anything from the web once they disable options in the browser menu. This gives students a chance to work on their tests on their own and see how well they perform without any help.

It is a reference management tool for students as well as teachers and researchers. It helps to avoid breaking the citation rules that eventually leads to unintentional plagiarism. With this tool, students can annotate, making citations and bibliographies according to any of several different citation styles, which make correct referencing so easy for them. It also gives students a chance to create their libraries and share the material with others.

Purdue OWL:
This website provides students a lot of information regarding conducting research, writing, and teaching, grammar, mechanics, and style. Most of the students either do not know or forget about citation styles and end up violating the code of reference. Students can check out the detailed information and learn how to do things right with so much information and samples. With the help of these tools, students can learn what they do not know about academic integrity and understand how to keep it intact when working on their assignments. The more knowledge students will have, the better they will understand the significance of maintaining academic integrity and how it can help them succeed.
Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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